One of the options available to you is to leave your home and move in with a relative. However, for the sake of everyone involved it is vital to carefully consider all the important issues when living with relatives. Most people don't consider this option until there has been some sort of physical or mental health challenge. However, if you do decide to move in with your relative, you won't be alone: one out of every four elderly or disabled people moves in with, and is cared for by, a relative caregiver.
Sante Care at Home can assist you with discussing an alternative option so you can remain in the comfort of your home with all the support you require. We will listen to your unique aspirations, we hear your voice, respect your wishes and provide live-in care that empowers you to take those steps towards achieving your goals, whatever they may be.
Questions to consider when moving in with Family
- What kind of care will you need?
- How much assistance and supervision can your relative provide?
- How well do you get along?
- Is their home older-adult-friendly, and if not, can they make it so?
- Will you need to contribute financially?
- How does your partner or family feel about the move-in?
- Will you be able to live by the rules of their house?
- Will you and your relatives be able to adjust to the lifestyle changes involved in having an older adult in the house?
- Do they have the time to take this on?
- Will you be moving some distance from where you are now and will you have a social network available?
The benefits could include
- You will not be living alone
- It allows you to spend more time with your relatives than would otherwise have been possible
- You may be able to provide practical help around the home
- You may be able to offer some level of financial assistance
- Psychologically, it can avoid some of the feelings of guilt
The challenges could include
- Less space
- Less time for the relative and their family life
- It can be a big lifestyle change
- Emotionally demanding
- Your relative will be taking on caring duties

The relative that will be looking after you in their own home will more than likely have to become your carer. This obviously depends how fit and active you are at any given time, but, to a certain degree, they are likely to have to take on the majority of the caring responsibilities. This is most likely an area in which they have not received any training, and for the most part they are likely to be unpaid for providing this support. To contextualise this, there are about six million people in the UK who provide unpaid care for a family member, friend or neighbour.
However there is a broad of support and assistance available according to your specific circumstances.
Useful Sites

NHS Specific guidance. http://www.nhs.uk/CarersDirect/guide/Pages/Guidetocaringhome.aspx